Saturday 31 December 2016

Your customers will have the same time pressure

Either way, it seems as though modern life has more things to do than their are hours in the day. I find the early mornings work better for me as there are less distractions and less excuses to put things off until tomorrow. Frustrating but getting to be a fact of life._ Arnette:A word here … Continue reading Your customers will have the same time pressure

I asked a girl out twice and she rejected me twice?
(29 December 2016)

So if I ask her out a third time, would it work?
(29 December 2016)

What could she possibly get out of flirting with me when she has no intention of ever pursuing anything?
(29 December 2016)

But even I have to admit it's wearing slightly thin.
(29 December 2016)

I don't know, I think she is just getting off on the minor excitement of it.
(29 December 2016)

It's not like I can tell her to stop either, I guess it is just a mutual attraction thing, but if she is married and still doing that with me it will seem quite awkward.
(29 December 2016)

It's unclear why she still likes our little back and forths, but I don't see why it should continue.
(29 December 2016)

I know once she is engaged, any harmless flirting we used to do will have to stop, but I don't think she will.
(29 December 2016)

I used to be really into this girl and I know she likes me on some level as well, but it's obviously not that serious, she has a boyfriend already and is due to be engaged soon.
(29 December 2016)

My friends do stuff without me sometimes and it makes me feel left out and sad what do I do?
(29 December 2016)

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