Tuesday 27 December 2016

I like to remove all the redundant boney bits and pieces fifteen minutes or so before serving

That said, I rarely pluck pheasants or game now. Why go to all the fuss when you can buy a properly hung, trussed and plucked bird from a decent butcher for a few pounds? For once, the fusspots have a point. Simple French country cooking at its best, limited ingredients needed; high on technique._ Violet:I … Continue reading "I like to remove all the redundant boney bits and pieces fifteen minutes or so before serving"

I told her I knew about the date then got mas at me.
(27 December 2016)

Eventually, friend B knew of the date and told me.
(27 December 2016)

I did not know whether to inform friend B but thought that it was not my story to tell so I decided to keep quiet.
(27 December 2016)

One day friend A shared to me that he went on a date with the said guy.
(27 December 2016)

Friend B however confided in me and told me not to tell Friend A about what she felt for the guy.
(27 December 2016)

Friend B is aware of this and it made her feel jelous.
(27 December 2016)

Apparently, this guy likes Friend A.
(27 December 2016)

I have these 2 friends and they seem to like the same guy.
(27 December 2016)

Is forced impregnation legal?
(27 December 2016)

Can she legally abort my baby after I impregnate her by saying that it was a forced impregnation and the baby is unwanted?
(27 December 2016)

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