Saturday 31 December 2016

Every bit of progress we made in negotiations is thanks to your actions in the stores

In the end, we were able to settle on what we believe is a fair agreement. We successfully prevented takebacks. The proposals we will present are the strongest offers we have seen, and are far better than where we started. Once again, thank you for all your support._ Carisa:Im 14 and have gotten my period.(10 December [...]

Weird period, could it be a sign if pregnancy?
(30 December 2016)

We typically wear a condom, but sometimes not.
(30 December 2016)

I'm 23 years old and I am sexually active with my boyfriend of 2 years.
(30 December 2016)

Jan 4th just incase it could be the start of endometriosis or any othere issue.
(30 December 2016)

I'm starting to get a lot of discharge like you do before a period but it's kind of a lot more that normal lol.
(30 December 2016)

Says I'm 11 days late, which I understand that, so I should be expecting a period in the next week.
(30 December 2016)

So basically nov27-dec6 and that was brown then red then pink again.
(30 December 2016)

The first 4-5 days was basically a normal period.. it's started pinkish then turned red and then turned brown (like old blood) the remaining blood was basically spotting.
(30 December 2016)

Okay so my last period started on Nov.22 and last til Dec. 6th.
(30 December 2016)

Should I let my 19 year old daughter go to a pool party?
(30 December 2016)

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