Sunday 28 January 2018

****** Thrusting Thursday******

[image1]T hirstingH otlyR oughlyU nitedS atiatingT wistingI nvitingN aughtilyG raciously[image2]T auntingH umpingU nrulyR avenousS infullyD electableA lwaysY elling[image3]_ Bernie:Then he came back to the aise and was like you need help etc then was like if you want take my number and if you’d like you can call.(26 January 2018) Bernie:I looked at him and looked down [...]

It came up as a very bright negative.
(24 January 2018)

So I took a dollar store pregnancy test called veriquick 5 days before my missed period.
(24 January 2018)

Can you be induced after a c section?
(24 January 2018)

Do you know if this is true or not?
(24 January 2018)

Someone told me that most places won t let you try for a vbac if you go over 40 weeks?
(24 January 2018)

How do you properly let friends go of 9 years?
(24 January 2018)

Omg what has life become and how do I gwt away from these people?
(24 January 2018)

The brother who's older got with a woman who has 3 kids and now they got a kid together and he now says he doesnt like his girlfriend.
(24 January 2018)

They cheat on women all the time yet get all butt hurt when a girl cheats on them.
(24 January 2018)

I'm 36 and my friends seem to kibda live life like a rap video and are hypocrites to each other.
(24 January 2018)

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