Monday 15 January 2018

It’s Simple. Really It IS

There is much to be learned when we observe.In the simple act of watching him gather Roses,It spoke to his thoughtful nature and she wept.As he traced each petal so delicately…She felt his touch upo_ Margert:Is it wrong if I just go and talk to him?(12 January 2018) Margert:I’m stuck here because the unknown guy would be [...]

I texted her a week later to ask her out again, but she never responded which is the first time she ever did that.
(12 January 2018)

I asked her out and she said she couldn't cause she'd be out of town, but it sounded like maybe she wanted to go some other time.
(12 January 2018)

I didn't see her act like this around other guys and I got asked a few times what was going on with me and her.
(12 January 2018)

Or grab my arm and rest her head against my shoulder.
(12 January 2018)

Like grab my hand when she saw me and squeeze or rub it.
(12 January 2018)

I thought this girl liked me because she would do things that seemed really affectionate to me.
(12 January 2018)

Im going out with my girlfriend tonight and i need date ideas?
(12 January 2018)

Parents: What would you do if your 14-15 year old son had an obsession with younger children and what time they go to bed?
(12 January 2018)

Please help me I ll name a fish after you.
(12 January 2018)

I heard crushes will fade after around 3 - 4 months but what if it just gets worse?
(12 January 2018)

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