Tuesday 16 January 2018

Separated (6)

Monday was 6 months in the apartment and today is 7 months separated. I had to push myself to write that so I guess it’s about time to stop counting and start dating…Any volunteers? lolAs I bu_ Albina:Is a cheek kiss inappropriate?(14 January 2018) Lu:Boyfriend never has time for a relationship should I move on?(14 January 2018) Lu:I [...]

My husband and I decided to try for a baby.
(14 January 2018)

I was taking birth control for about a year and 3 months.
(14 January 2018)

(Ladies) Do you have to wear makeup to work?
(14 January 2018)

How to ask friends to go out?
(14 January 2018)

So I was wondering how do I tell someone that I want to do something different?
(14 January 2018)

I play with these two people from my class games and we talk almost every day on discord, but they always visit each other's houses without even mentioning anything to me.
(14 January 2018)

I spend my time 90 percent PC gaming and 10 percent reading when I'm in a vacation, and I find that very banal.
(14 January 2018)

I am the at the top of my class, so most people think that I'm a really boring person, but I'm not like that.
(14 January 2018)

Hey, so I've finished my mid-terms, and, right now, I'm really bored in the vacation.
(14 January 2018)

I never had a girlfriend,but I wish to marry.Are there bad girls like there are bad men?The diff. in quality of men vary greatly,women same?
(14 January 2018)

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