Sunday 23 December 2018

Polyamory- A Kinks Post

For those long time readers, you will be aware that I have been inching closer and closer to declaring that I am polyamorous- to me that means someone who can have more than one sexual and love relati_ Marisol:Advice on how shall I deal with her?(20 December 2018) Marisol:It’s not that I go around her house all [...]

Help! Why do I get the gut feeling that my ex bf likes me when I'm around him?
(22 December 2018)

So why do I get this feeling, everything he does he turns to look at me, leaves from my exit when his cars is on the opposite side etc.
(22 December 2018)

He came to church the next week after I texted him.
(22 December 2018)

He said he had to take his dad to alteration I said ok then he asked me about school.
(22 December 2018)

He said he was coming to my city for shopping I suggested that if he had time and wanted to meet to let me know.
(22 December 2018)

Even though when I tried going back he made it difficult because I've hurt him etc..He didn't come to church for a month so I caved and texted him that everything is okay.
(22 December 2018)

He's a deacon at church and I find him constantly looking at me, the gestures he makes, and the things he does just give my gut the feeling that he still loves me?
(22 December 2018)

What do you think of the name Ingo for a boy?
(22 December 2018)

My husband is German and wants to name our son Ingo, which is a german name.
(22 December 2018)

Is it ok to have sex in front of your children?
(22 December 2018)

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