Saturday 28 October 2017

Preference for the ladies

Do you prefer a man to be…..Please elaborate._ Mirtha:I have not gotten my period this month so I am very worried.(27 October 2017) Mirtha:I used a condom and I am on the pill, I did initially had my period after the encounter.(27 October 2017) Mirtha:I had sex a few weeks ago with someone at my university.(27 October 2017) Mirtha:I [...]

If girls can have boy names like Cameron or drew or Blake and not get ridiculed they why can't guys have girls names like Amanda or Marilyn?
(24 October 2017)

I mean they are just names a name doesn't definde who you are it's just a part of your identity.
(24 October 2017)

Please know I'm still gonna change my name to Marilyn Edison that's not gonna change what I'm asking is this is 2017 not 1817 I don't understand why can't guys have names like Amanda or Marilyn or Ashley and not get ridiculed I mean it's kinda ridiculous.
(24 October 2017)

Is smoking unattractive for a woman?
(24 October 2017)

We're both young and it's not like I have rotten teeth and yellow fingers.
(24 October 2017)

So is it really that unattractive to smoke?
(24 October 2017)

He himself has no intention of quitting.
(24 October 2017)

Lately my boyfriend is constantly telling me how unattractive it is and how I need to quit.
(24 October 2017)

I have tried to quit but end up starting again due to anxiety.
(24 October 2017)

Me and my boyfriend have been together 2 years and we have both always been smokers.
(24 October 2017)

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