Monday 24 July 2017

The Valentine Curmudgeon

[image1]Some people want to have an extra heaping tablespoon or two of sugar on their cake, and eat it too! That’s Valentine’s Day: a hyperglycemic indulgence into super sweet, syrupy love. A_ Germaine:I wanted her to wait till she was 21 or married.(23 July 2017) Germaine:She already know about sex and what to use and all that.(23 [...]

And it was the week for my period then I started taking them again.
(24 July 2017)

I'm on birth control and I missed a day but then took 2 pills and then me and my boyfriend had sex.
(24 July 2017)

Can breastfeed babies use pacifiers?
(24 July 2017)

I was told not until after 4 weeks old you could start using one?
(24 July 2017)

Is my girlfriend's mom being too overprotective?
(24 July 2017)

Why did my boss awkwardly ask me if I was only allowed to be pre arranged in marriage?!?
(23 July 2017)

Is it worth it to still be friends? How can I help my friend?
(23 July 2017)

She used to be very anti her being held hostage in her house, her and I would plan the day she turned 18, and I'd encourage her to stop taking the pills her mother makes her take (mood stabilizers and sleeping pills).
(23 July 2017)

I'm not even sure if I want to keep this friendship with me always worrying about her, and her becoming brainwashed.
(23 July 2017)

Her mom used to let her visit 2 times a month, but now it's once every 3 months.
(23 July 2017)

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