Sunday 27 November 2016

Nice and Handsome…hanging out in Reno today…..hmmm

Hello there…. I understand its doubtful anyone really real will read this but who knows? I am coming down from Tahoe today to maybe look for a job or run a few errands….Since rainy days with some thunder are so rare in Reno, I was thinking how it could be nice to hang out with [...]

My girlfriend of two years told me yesterday that she love me but she's not in love with me, she really doesn't know why.
(26 November 2016)

Is it okay for a 15 year old to be hanging out with a 20 year old?
(26 November 2016)

I've never had many friends because I have a bit of social anxiety (I'm outgoing and curious online but in person it feels like I don't know what to say or reply) and I was diagnosed with ASD at a young age.
(26 November 2016)

We watch movies together, talk to each other about our lives, and she showed me all those dresses she created out of paper in her fashion designing class.
(26 November 2016)

I don't have very many friends my age and she relates to me better than a lot of girls who are teenagers.
(26 November 2016)

I've been hanging out with a 20 year old young woman and I'm a 15 year old girl.
(26 November 2016)

Who is dearest to you?
(26 November 2016)

I don't want my boyfriend to have any friends?
(26 November 2016)

I just try to keep him with me all the time . Thing is he doesn't have a job and spends all the time drinking smoking playing video games with them till 5 am.
(26 November 2016)

Why are some girls perfectly fine being seen naked by me?
(26 November 2016)

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