Saturday 17 August 2019

My current profile

This is for non gold membersIntroductionI know this is an adult site, but a little respect goes a long way. I’m in an OPEN MARRIAGE meaning my husband knows everything I do and when I do it, as I do w_ Cristin:Did I say something bad?(12 August 2019) Cristin:My friend made a face when I told her [...]

We went out drinking with people from work and everyone told me she was clearly into me.
(14 August 2019)

Later on when we were at work she would tease me sometimes, be kinda flirty and talk about when we would next hang out.
(14 August 2019)

She seemed like she was flirting with me during the night.
(14 August 2019)

It was really good and she said was glad it wasn't awkward.
(14 August 2019)

When she came back we hung out again.
(14 August 2019)

She never had a proper relationship but a short one at a young age which was a bad experience and she didn't want any more On one of our hangouts we ended up making out and than dated for a while before she left to home for a month.
(14 August 2019)

I think she was into me (she initiated contact first and the first time we hung out one on one). I think she always thought I was never really into her because I always considered her a friend.
(14 August 2019)

I am really good friends with a girl from work.
(14 August 2019)

Was this guy trying to kidnap me or am I reading into it?
(14 August 2019)

I did have a weapon on me though to protect myself.
(14 August 2019)

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