Thursday 3 May 2018

Ten Seconds

“She blushed and so did he. She greeted him in a faltering voice, and he spoke to her without knowing what he was saying.”― Voltaire, Candide________________________________________________________ Cristi:He finally got the courage and cut them out of our lives as I silently stayed out of it, although I felt relief and proud that he made that choice.(2 [...]

Why do women fantasize about certain men, but when they meet men who resemble the men in their fantasies in real life, they don't talk tohim?
(28 April 2018)

Why do women barely ever make moves on men they have extreme desire for and instead prefer to fantasize?
(28 April 2018)

Yet she goes home and fantasizes about the guy at the grocery store 10 minutes later.
(28 April 2018)

Then one day, she sees a guy at the grocery store who looks EXACTLY like Ryan Gosling, but she doesn't really do anything, she just walks right past him without barely looking him.
(28 April 2018)

Lets say a woman regularly fantasizes about Ryan Gosling.
(28 April 2018)

Is it OK what my fellow employees plan to do for me?
(28 April 2018)

Why are so many people hate it when black men date white women, but you never hear anyone really hate white men who date black women?
(28 April 2018)

I've noticed when black man and white women date, you see a whole bunch of negative comments, posts and blogs by white men and black women, but hardly the opposite, why is this?
(28 April 2018)

What is a proper way to ask women out for straight guys, just act very very gay?
(28 April 2018)

For some reason, women also have problems with short men, again, just act very very very gay?
(28 April 2018)

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