Tuesday 21 February 2017

a friend told me i should write…

as she awaited the arrival of her new found lover at their newly arranged hideaway, her anticipation grew as the time approached the seconds seemed to become minutes and the minutes seemed to become h_ Maryanne:I mean, should i go for this woman?(20 February 2017) Maryanne:I just feel so out of her league but she is very [...]

Just looking for others opinions and what they think.
(20 February 2017)

She says that me pushing her off of me was abuse but doesn t believe that pulling my hair was.
(20 February 2017)

I told her to stop and the argument continued, she went to do it again and when she grabbed my hair I pushed her away from me and walked away so that this could no longer continue.
(20 February 2017)

My girlfriend and I got into an argument and she grabbed the back of my head and yanked on my hair.
(20 February 2017)

Why do I always stop liking a person when they start to show that they like me back?
(20 February 2017)

It doesn't feel like it's their fault because I felt nervous for the relationship and I don't understand why.
(20 February 2017)

I am really angry with myself because I have liked the same person for a few months and when we finally went on a date and started to not like him.
(20 February 2017)

I don't know why I do this because I want to be in a relationship.
(20 February 2017)

I have trouble with relationships because everytime the person I like likes me back I freak out and not like them.
(20 February 2017)

There's no place other than his car to kiss but stil people and neighbors can still be watching.
(20 February 2017)

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