Saturday 28 January 2017

Funny Pic

All big tits are awesome!_ Fairy:Now he tries to talk to me more and he is very kind to me.(27 January 2017) Fairy:A month ago I saw him being really depressed and not taking care of himself, it looked like he was going through a break up.(27 January 2017) Fairy:But I am very shy so I rarely have [...]

I have a couple of ex boyfriends who seriously broke my heart - one cheated on me, one lied a lot and ghosted me, and another one said some really hurtful things to me during our break up.
(27 January 2017)

Why does my friend act different?
(27 January 2017)

Is it weird that I am turned off by my husband ever since he became a vegetarian?
(27 January 2017)

And honestly it just seems a little effeminate that he won't tear through a steak like he used to.
(27 January 2017)

It's no longer a fun shared experience.
(27 January 2017)

It's just that mealtime is so annoying anymore.
(27 January 2017)

He doesn't bug me about eating meat or anything like that.
(27 January 2017)

If a child who is 12 years old runs away, what should parents do?
(27 January 2017)

My parents are hesitant to call the police because of our legal status here in the US.
(27 January 2017)

I'm 15 and don't really know how to help my parents.
(27 January 2017)

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